
Supplimentary Planning Document (SPD) Consultation

house model and selection of toolsEast Riding of Yorkshire Council is inviting conmments on two draft Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs): the draft Open Space SPD and the draft Housing Needs SPD. Once adopted, the SPDs will become a material consideration in determining planning applications in the East Riding.

The draft SPDs, supporting documents, and response forms can be found on the Council’s website, at:, under the headings 'Is there any guidance on providing new housing?' and 'Is there any guidance on the provision of new open space as part of new developments?'.  Hard copies of the documents are also available to view at East Riding Customer Service Centres and Libraries during normal opening hours throughout the consultation period.

To respond to the consultation, please fill out the online survey form relevant to the SPD you wish to comment on, available at the above links. Alternatively, you can complete the downloadable response form which is also available on the website and return it by email to or by post to: Forward Planning (AS67), East Riding of Yorkshire Council, County Hall, Cross Street, Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire, HU17 9BA.

The consultation period begins on Friday 31st January, and comments on the documents should be received by 11.59pm on Friday 14th March 2025



Local Government Standards Consultation

three folders and open paperwork and a penThe government is looking to strengthen the standards and conduct framework for local authorities, the consultation seeks views on introducing a mandatory minimum code of conduct and measures to strengthen the standards and conduct regime to ensure consistency of approach amongst councils investigating serious breaches of their member codes of conduct, including the introduction of the power of suspension. The consultation will last for 10 weeks from 18 December 2024 to 26 February 2025

This link will take you to documents for the Local Government Standards Consultation



D-Day 80 Commemoration

Small Union Jack flag hanging inside St Leonards Church   flower display at St Leonards Church with order of service leaflet stood in front of flowers  lighted beacon against evening sky at Beeford Playing Field

The bells were rang at St Leaonards Church at 6:30pm followed by a D-Day 80 Commemoration Service by Rev. Shirley Hebdon, with a memer fo the school 6th form contrbuting by reading poens. Refreshments were served in the Church and was followed by a walk to the Playing Field to watch the lighting of the beacon.




Dogger Bank South Community Newsletter


You can register to recieve newsletters and updates for electronic or postal projects by emailing your details to or by calling 0800 254 5459

Newsletters can also can be viewed and downloaded from the Dogger Bank South website  There is also an interactive map on the website where visitors are able to enter their postcode and it will show where proposed onshore works are located nearby.  The entire onshore cable route along with the proposed landfall zones and substation zones can be viewed on a map at.



How to do it for East Yorkshire

Do it for East Yorkshire LogoA new website has been launched to help community groups easily access information and resources that can help them deliver community activity and develop their organisations, it is a a one-stop shop to make it easier for existing and developing voluntary community groups to access advice and support. For more information, visit or email the Local Growth Team at



Memorial Tree Planted

small tree attached to wooden frame in the grounds of St Leonards Church

The Parish Council has planted a memoral tree in the grounds of  St Leonard's Church in remembrance of the late Queen Elizabeth II










Climate Change Strategy 2022 - 2023


East Riding of Yorkshire Council has launched its Climate Change Strategy 2022-2030, establishing a strategic vision and setting priorities for rapid decarbonisation and building climate resilience in East Riding.

To view the full Climate Change Strategy in full, please visit:






Safe and Sound Grant

A grant has been set up to provide home security support for residents who have limited funds to stay safe in their own homes.  Residents can apply of they are disabled and/or over 60 and are renting in either the private sector or from a Housing Association.   For more information click the following website link: