
Councillor Ian Sawyer (Chariman), 3 Wharram Field, Beeford YO25 8AX.  Telephone: 01262 481071 

Councillor  Mrs Hazel Adamson (Vice-chair), Contact through the Clerk

Councillor Tony Adams, 18 Main Street, Beeford YO25 8AS. Telephone:  01262 488220

Councillor David Piercy, 89 Main Street, Beeford YO25 8AY.  Telephone: 07801 218810.  Email:

Councillor John Sowersby, Town Farm, Beeford, YO25 8AY.  Telephone: 01262 488212

Councillor Andrew Thompson, 20 Main Street, Beeford, YO25 8AS.  Telephone: 07732 750339.  Email:

Councillor Alan Turner, Contact through the Clerk

Councillor Mrs Rosalind Turner, Contact through the Clerk



Representatives on External Bodies

Lissett Wind Farm - Cllr Turner (Lead), Cllr Mrs Turner (Substitute) and Cllr Sawyer (Second Substitute)

Community Centre - Cllr Sawyer

ERNLLCA Executive Committee - Cllr Turner and Cllr Mrs Adamson

Playing Field Association - Cllr Sawyer

DBS Liaison Commettee - Cllr Mrs Turner



Registers of Interests



Ward Councillors

Councillor Jonathan Owen, telephone: 01262 420550, email:
Councillor Denise Howard, email: